Of course it is 2:46 AM and of course, i am wide awake.
I am luckily on the tail end of my cold, but my body really hates listening to me breathing, and therefore my heavy breathing is keeping me awake. I figure i have 2 options: take drugs to make me passout, or stay up until i'm so tired that i pass out when i finally give sleeping another go. I don't have any drugs. Therefore i chose blogging.
Any exciting news?
I met the owners of my apt today. They are really nice people from michigan. the daughter moving in, danielle, is a sophomore who seems pretty chill. They are getting us a new stove (!), painting our kitchen and my bathroom green, and installed updated light fixtures. Danielle also is supplying a brand new 32" flat screen TV complete with a modern entertainment center, which i'm sure will look fabulous next to our leather couches. i suggested we keep the african theme going, and therefore all my decor that i bought while i was in namibia will be finally making its debut. Stop by and have a look! I'm pretty excited about the whole bit.
It occurred to me as i was staring at my window in the dark trying to catch some Z's that i have a pretty fabulous life. I mean really. I have an awesome apartment, awesome friends, family, school, outlook for the future...yeah. I felt so satisfied. Feel satisfied. This fall is going to rock in more ways than one, that's for sure. First, i have friends in tons of neighboring wards. I am taking some really amazing classes, and i am going to make some serious cash once i am made manager of the booting company. I guess trevor and dave have landed some fatty accounts, and therefore i will be training soon. Until then, i will be making even more considering we don't have to split the amount in 4...just 3. Doesn't that sound like everything a girl could ever ask for? I mean, minus Edward Cullen. But he is fictional after all.

Tomorrow i fly home to KY for a week. (That's a picture of downtown Louisville at night from Indiana's side. My house is roughly 20 min. from here. And that's a picture of our temple, just in case you ever wondered. My ward met in the church building which shared the parking lot.) I am pretty sure i'll be bored most of the time, but i'll be bored in KY, which is not provo, UT. So that'll be nice. i will be lounging in my pool for most of it, i'm sure. And maybe a trip to King's Island if i'm lucky.
Today at FHE we played sand volleyball again. i really enjoy playing with the ward, as i don't feel like i suck as bad as usual, lol. Last time we played, Austin spiked the ball right into my face. Tonight, Travis spiked the ball right in my face. That's 2 for 2. I don't know what it is, but games that involve balls have it out for me. I don't think it's much of an exaggeration to say that 7 out of 10 times, whatever ball it is will somehow come in contact with my face. It is a wonder how my nose hasn't broken, bled, or been bent out of shape due to this fact, because have you seen my nose? It's not like it's inconspicuous or something. Then again, it's not horrendously huge either. Like i said: a wonder.
Kyle Paiser came to visit tonight too. He drove us up there to Helaman after i got home from yoga. He gives really good hugs. And he bought me and Tiff slurpies afterwards which was also really nice. Thanks Kyle :)

Also noteworthy: the yoga instructor i have a slight crush on talked to me again today. Today i saw him go from a head stand straight into a dolphin stand - where you are inverted resting on your forearms only. I know it doesn't sound like much, but believe me, there is no way i could ever even dream of doing that. It takes SO much upper body and core strength to push up onto your forearms after you are already inverted like that. Also, he can practically keep his body horizontal to the ground with only his hands on the ground.

That is a little easier to picture, and equally if not harder to do. Gosh. He doesn't even look ripped either, just normal and fit, you know? Amazing.He has to be in his mid 30's, but he can do amazing things with his body, lol. I don't know if that last qualifier has anything to do with his age, but it's true. I have to admit, if he asked me out, which i'm 95% sure would never happen, i would say yes. That mildly creeps me out, as he is the only man in his mid 30's i would ever consider. This last pose is one that i just learned how to do not too long ago. Along with the head stand, this is my favorite pose to do. I feel cool doing it. And yes, he taught me how to do it in one of his classes, haha. Did i ever mention that my other favorite teacher is my alter-ego? She's pretty much the biggest hippie in happy valley. There you have it folks: if i were not me, i would be her. profound.
I finally got to see one of my best friends from college!! Heather is back! :) She stayed with me a couple days. I warned all my male friends that everyone falls in love with her, and it became a reality when i gave 2 of my guy friends her number after they asked for it. Let the dating begin! I do have to say though, if i had to narrow my friends down to one person i look up to the most, it would be her. She has so many qualities that i hope i can develop. Heather, i love you. Oh, and her family lives in New Zealand right now. And she invited me to go home with her for christmas, the sweetheart, and if my parents agree to pay for it, i am going! How amazing is that?! After i spoke with my mother, she said that her and dad were talking about taking our 2 weeks in our time share and using them in Australia/New Zealand over Christmas anyway. What are the

odds? This is a picture of one of Auckland, New Zealand's beaches. Her parents live in a complex literally on the beach and yes, it will be summer there over Christmas. I can't imagine a better Christmas, honestly. Heather's family is amazing, and i would love to spend it with hers and mine. *Sigh*. I told her that if she ends up dating someone and brings them back with them to visit the parents, she still has to agree to bring me too, lol. She said of course. YES.
It's been and hour and half and i think i'm ready for bed. G'nite friends :)