Tuesday, July 8, 2008

"We Were Only Freshmen..."

One of the best decisions I've ever made was going to summer school right after highschool. There was nothing back home but fried food and of course my parents, so I couldn't wait for college to start. I got so lucky, as my first roommate has become one of my best friends, not to mention the 2 girls who lived across from us, and then another girl who lived 2 doors down who also shared every one of my classes with. We honestly never had a dull moment. We were so different that somehow it was a perfect fit. Heather (far right)- British to the core, fun loving and always laughing. She comes home from her mission next week! She'll be back in Provo though in August; Tara (not pictured; she had left for home already)- the artistic one who I am convinced is the one who was given the "5 talents" and made 10 in the Parable of the Talents; Meg (next to me) - book smart, determined and so incredible compassionate; Tresa (second on the right) - sporty, cool, and the kind of person you would want to be seen with at a party. We had THE best time ever. This pic is from our last bonfire that summer before I moved.
Jess moved into my spot after I moved to BYU-I for that fall, and unfortunately I have never gotten that close to. But she is pretty cool as well, and all six of us have stayed friends for 3 years now.
That first summer, we took a roadtrip to california. Somehow we made it on less than 50$ per person, including food, lodging and gas. Corners were cut of course, by cramming as many people in the car as possible, eating peanut butter and jelly for 3 meals a day for 3 days (which Tresa ended up getting food poisoning and throwing up all over Hinckley 1100 floor the night we got back - again, it is a mystery how she got so sick and i didn't!) , and then sleeping in what turned out to be a prostitute hotel...needless to say, I will never forget that trip. We were beach bums for 2 days, went to the Newport Beach Temple open house, and window shopped. This is one of the pics we took at Laguna Beach.
The reason I bring this up, is because we're about to make a return trip this week, from Wednesday to Sunday night. Except this time, we're staying with our old FHE dad who lives a block away from Huntington beach, so no prostitute hotels. And we're staying for longer. We're going to do it right this time, and I am so excited. I already feel nostalgic.

This picture has all of us but Tara. Jess is on the far left. Tara got a boyfriend who she is getting married to July 25th, by the way, and thus is not in very many group pictures. This was taken at the All American Rejects concert, which was fabulous. My friends are so beautiful. :)

This was taken right before meg and i left for the summer to Japan. Heather was already gone for her mission, and Jess had moved back home. The four of us lived together for spring. That was the last time we were all in the same apartment. *Sigh* I miss living with them so much. Tresa, who is next to me in this pic, is moving back in with me in the fall. She is taking the balcony room *woot!* and it will be a little bit like it was before. Tara is in this one, on the far right. Love you girls.

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