My neighbors Adam and Barrett have this incredible soft canvas hammock that surprisingly fits 2 people nicely (just found that out today), and I am still trying to convince Adam to just give me freaking key to their apartment so I can use it whenever I want. I mean for real. It's annoying to have to call one of them to let me in. They seem fairly ok with it so I suppose I'll just keep calling them. Anyway, it is one of those gems of my summer thus far. If I had to put my summer gems in order, they would probably go as follows:
1. VP 71 Hammock. Enough said.
2. Soel's "It's Yoga!" studio in the Riverwoods. I LOVE YOGA. I did it in highschool for about a year, and I gave up on it once I moved out here for college. I started again though and I've been going 2-3 times a week. One thing that is so obvious to me now: my arms are weak. I just learned how to do a head stand (with a wall) and a hand stand, but I can hardly hold myself up! I have other poses down, so I'm not totally useless.
3. Sammy's (new diner i just found near center street last night with Travis, open till 2 AM and serves great milkshakes with a side of good music. It's no Cheers, but has a comfortable atmosphere).

4. Random acts of hilariousness: a) Huge pink bunny bounding down the street while we were watching Rear Window on Friday 13th on the grassy knoll b) 6 green people walking down the same street. And we had our cameras ready for this one.
5. BYU Library. I have started my summer reading kick again, and I found another good one. It's called I love you I love you I love you by some European guy in the 1940s. It seems to be right up the same alley as Sloane Crosley's I Was Told There'd Be Cake as it appears to be a series of short stories from his life compiled into a book. Except these ones aren't so funny. In fact, there is one that i briefly skimmed that talks about his experience with the Nazis. Creepy! I absolutely adore personal essays (my 11th grade English teacher would be so proud!) and I'm glad I happened to pick these up. In case you were wondering, they places to get good reading books in the BYU library would be the 5th floor in the PR-PS section = my new favorite place in the library.
Yeah. That about does it for now.
So today I went to church with my friend Stephanie from back home. She's so amazing, seriously. Probably one the most successful people I know. She lives in Belmont, and therefore goes to church in the HFAC. Holy crap I have never seen so many gorgeous people in my life. I honestly felt like every girl was smokin' hot and the guys were so well WOW. Turns out the entire stake is like that. Now, I can't say I'm hot with a straight face, I'm not that ridiculous. On the other hand, I know I'm not ugly. But I will say that today I felt lower on the "good looks spectrum" than normal lol. The whole experience was so weird, I felt like I was in a different city today. Not only was church different, I also went to break the fast afterwards, which was delicious. Steph and I made an amazing salad (with her ingredients of course - asiago cheese, no less!) coupled with spaghetti, garlic bread and the best store bought double chocolate chip cookies...mmm... Everyone ate and left though. The whole point of meeting new people came to pass, but alas, it was short lived. It was nice to be in a different atmosphere as I am not moving for the first time in a long time, but I did miss my ward's laid back-ness. I was brought to remembrance again that I am just not that cool of a person, lol. And that I will never be as pretty as some of those girls or have such a lavish lifestyle. I will say though that is was lovely being with Stephanie. She is definitely different than most of those people I think. Maybe it's because I know her and I am judging her ward based off a few hours,, I really think she is different.
One thing I really appreciated today was that both of us have the same love language. We are both service oriented, which means once I'm your girlfriend, I would do pretty much anything for you. We exchanged stories about past failed relationships and how that had part to do with it, and it was good. Lesson for everyone: Whoever you date, you have to understand the way the other person expresses and feels love. What you think is blatantly obvious to someone is not always that way to the other person. The best relationships are when either both people share the same language or both are willing to extend themselves in learning how to please the other. In my case, I feel loved when someone does something for me, which is how I show love for others. Service. It's where it's at. I would much rather someone show me they love me than have someone say it to me. I actually dated a guy who was much more into words of affection than I was, lol which was pretty funny at first. He couldn't stop telling me how much he cared about me, how pretty I was, or whatever. And one day he was like, "Martha, why don't you say nice things to me?" and then we had an amazing conversation about this same topic. Both of us tried to do what we both liked, and it was awesome!! Not even kidding, it was definitely one of the best lessons I have ever learned about relationships. It's one of those things you just have to experience I guess.
Tomorrow is my day off. Happy Monday :)
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