so like i said, i watched Elf last night. and honestly by the end of the movie, all i wanted to do was cut out paper snowflakes, sing christmas songs and wear an elf costume. and you know what, i can't do it anymore. i can only kick against the pricks for so long. today at target, heather and i bought christmas pajamas. it's no elf costume, but the striped red and white knee socks certainly help with the look. and we also jammed to christmas songs on the way home. i still have yet to make paper snowflakes, which by the way, haven't done since probably early grade school.
1) Hardball's big # tonight was missouri's last time they picked the losing presidential candidate: 1956. apparently they got it wrong on nov 4. and had to recount. go figure.
2) one of these days, i am going to call the provo "singles" hotline they advertise only after 11 pm. all those hot people on tv do it, why can't i ?
so i think i'm going to write out my christmas wish list:
skiis/boots/poles/skull candy (!)
hannah montana's death
shaving cream wrestling match

dvd player
legit tea party
my own tv show
new laptop
a pony. like this one.
gift cards from the following places:
-banana repubic
-los hermanos
-ruby river
yeah that's good.
once again I'm at working laughing to myself like a FREAK at your blog....I particularly like "hannah montana's death"
I love this flourish of blog entries. Please keep it up. I get so bored on my breaks.
also, that is one ugly pony
have you ever noticed that they make you put in a word verification to make posts? My last one was giduci and this one is substabi...I guess hackers can't read italian
this one is "enads"
sounds like an crude exclamatory...ok I'm done
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