Wednesday, August 12, 2009

"We'll just have to adjust" - Arcade Fire

It's been 19 days since I've been back in Provo from my summer getaway. 19 days of looking for jobs, submitting applications, updating resumes, and networking to the best of my knowledge. My first week back, I literally spent 6 hours a day on the computer and on the phone. The second week I averaged about 4 hours a day. For the record, it FINALLY paid off.

I've probably been to about ten or so interviews in the last couple of weeks. Nothing too fancy, and nothing too promising. Today, however, I was at my research meeting. I was chatting with Jen, my lovely phD student whom I'm assisting in her thesis, and she told me that there might be an opening where she worked. She contacted her supervisor who told me to come in today and she hired me on the spot. So, what do I do? Who do I work for? Wouldn't you like to know... click here.

Basically it's a private company funded by the state of Utah. Technically I'll be a state employee who works with teens who've been court ordered to participate in our programs based on behavioral issues (like stealing, graffiti, etc.) and substance abuse (alcohol, meth, etc.). My job is to track 4 girls who have already graduated from the program but can't go home due to a lack of family. I just help make sure they stay out of trouble while they're living with foster families. I also have to teach Anger Management classes to teenage boys (ha! what a ridiculously fun job) and Criminal Thinking classes (which is basically like driver's school but for kids who have been caught stealing). It's full time with benefits, incredible experience to add to my resume and grad school applications, not to mention it's the most flexible full time schedule out there. I have a certain number of hours I have to fill each week and I can do them whenever I want. Obviously the classes aren't flexy, but that's just twice a week. I know what you're thinking, and yes, you can come with me and help teach Anger Management. I'll call it "bring a friend to work" day.

ANYway, I've got that, my volunteer work with Jen and her thesis, volunteer work at LDS Services in their adoptions agency, ski instructing on weekends and holidays starting Christmas break (if they'll let me) and substitute teaching here and there in case I get called and I have time. Oh, and squeeze ukulele lessons in there somewhere, too. Whew. Life without school is pretty awesome. Plus, little brosef Paul Wall is coming back into town, and I'm pretty much crazy excited about seeing him again. It's been almost 2 and a half years! Last time I saw him he was a wee lad...

Opening up his mission call. How precious, right?

PS. This has to be the worst wedding catastrophe I've ever heard.


Meg said...

Hurray hurray! Plans are worthless but sometimes they pan out :) I'm so happy for you! You're gonna be a busy busy girl.

Joel Deehr said...

thats so awesome!!!! Im surprised you even had that many interviews. way to go miss martha.

Joel Deehr said...

not that im surprised because you arent capable, i was referring to the economy and lack of jobs.

martha said...

lol thanks joel. i was surprised too, but these jobs were not that great. ps. stop being a cheapskate.