Friday, August 14, 2009

"Give it to me four times" - Toots and the Maytals

Ask me about the Toots and the Maytals concert next time you see me (Sublime's cover). T'was unforgettable, events that I can't create justice with words alone. You'll need to see how I recreate that one guy who stared at the sky the whole time swaying back and forth to the beat with 2 beers in his hands and had the funniest things to say with an accent that made no sense, and the one slightly disformed lady who went AWOL on this guy just for standing there, like really, just standing there, and of course my best effort at impersonating Stevie, the nicest, most legit hippie I have ever met in real life who looks like he could have walked off the set of Across the Universe. Oh, and definitely how when Aaron's face was smashed into a girl's arm/shoulder area when the mosh pit got out of control and when I looked up he says with his matter-of-fact tone, "Oh, oh, my face." After 5 straight minutes of uncontrollable laughter, which happens to me occasionally, my abs felt like I had done about 200 crunches, and I almost peed on myself and 2 other people. Word to the wise: don't drink a lot before going into a huge crowd of people in a very small space. And start expecting my posts to include at least one run-on sentence, an overuse of commas, usually a lot of lists in various forms, and defintely sentences that start with "And."

In other news, my ipod was stolen out of my car 2 nights ago, and I found the ukulele I'm going to buy today. It's $100. Lessons start in September, so if you feel generous and want to contribute to my future in being a ukulele virtuoso, I accept all major credit cards, cash and personal checks. I may even accept precious stones.

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