Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"Let's change the way we treat each other" - Tupac

Just say this phrase out loud once and realize that you'll probably never approach being able to say it 3 times fast:

"Three Swedish switched witches watch three Swiss Swatch watches switches. Which Swedish switched witch watch which Swiss Swatch watch witch?"

Q: Do you know any hard tongue twisters in other languages? Anyone?

This week at work has been simply amazing. I'm already learning so much. I watch over 4 girls, all 18 or under, who have been through challenges that I never ever want to face in my life. My anger management class hasn't started yet, but I'm already gathering ideas. I'm actually really excited about it. I met all the kids on Monday at their group therapy, and they're way nice. Apparently it's not just boys, either. Life is great, and I hope you're thankful for your family and friends. I learned about the LDS adoption agency too. You should see how many couples are on the wait list to adopt. I mean, really. There are 5 binders, each one is about 4" thick, and they're overflowing with couples' information. For the first time, I realized just how many couples can't have kids. They say it's a lot, but wow, it really IS a lot. And I only saw how many couples want to adopt in Utah with this one agency and this one agency's office--not even the couples who haven't signed up, or those with other agencies, and other offices, and outside of Utah. *mind explosion

Today's song: Changes by Tupac. We listened to this song in Thinking Errors group therapy. The kids had to find all the thinking errors in the lyrics. I'm telling you, my job rocks.

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