Tonight featured a couple, both mainly working from their home. They took a trip to Belize with some friends and were like, "Um...we need to be a part of this." It occurred to me that if your profession was reduced to a phone and laptop, you can pretty much do anything and go anywhere you want. With no kids, middle aged, and both working big people jobs, their budget was 1.5 million US dollars. The first house they looked at has a private beach, private pool, 3 floors with imported wood, a guest floor (yes, floor), and a flat top roof with 360 degrees of nothing but clear Caribbean seas, blue skies, and hot sun. The house they ultimately chose is the one featured above, totally modern and beautiful with pretty much the same set up.
Admittedly, I am not much of a beach person. However, given these circumstances I may kiss my skiis goodbye forever. Maybe if I'm ever that well off, I can afford a cabin in the mountains, too.
Dude, those shows are horrible to watch, cause when you're a poor college student sitting in your 500 square feet of cinder block known as your apartment, Belize seems very very far away. But in the words of Journey, don't stop believin!
lol. When you said "imported wood" it made me laugh. Honeslty, rich stuffy people will say "this is imported wood." Who cares really? Like, is your wood better than my wood because it comes from another side of the world? My cheap bamboo wood flooring is IMPORTED from china! Thats a cool looking house though.
I had spelled "honestly" wrong.
so true.
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