Monday, February 16, 2009

I am Jack's ode to Chuck

I am proud to say that Chuck Palahniuk is my favorite author. He's satiric, inventive, wrote Fight Club for heaven's sake. I mean, what kind of person do you have to be to write something so twisted? I have a goal to write something as sick and black and minimalist as him one day. I was doing a little research, and it turns out he's from Oregon. He studied under this guy who teaches to write "dangerously —writing what personally scares or embarrasses you in order to explore and artistically express those fears honestly." If you had to participate, what would you write about? No wonder Chuck is a freak.
This is what Chuck likes to read.
And this is what Chuck has to say about it.
Some other authors who are of the same genre include of course Amy Hempel, Mark Richard, Denis Johnson, Thom Jones, and Bret Easton Ellis. And this is his list of favorites, which is also my graduation reading list starting this summer.

I am Jack's disappointed homophobic daughter.

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