Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"Anna Molly" - Incubus

My creative writing assignment for today. We had to write something in a form that had nothing to do with what we were writing about, just to switch things up. What do you think? Does it work?


Q: And then he was there, ejected from the math building not caring to look up at anyone, particularly me.

A: I couldn't help but stare.

Q: His jagged left shoulder jutted out of his body like an extra appendage.

A: A spider with nine legs.

Q: Appearing to be too heavy, his head hung down covering his right collar bone, showing God the disgraced side of his face.

A: Cauliflower ear down to his chin.

Q: There were eighty-six reasons I knew this boy would not.

A: But in his head, I imagined he discovered time travel, the how of black holes, the why of mankind, the where of heaven.

Q: Survival may be success, but success is not survival.

A: Take that, Darwin.

now watch this video.

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