I needed a new look. And yes, capitalization is part of the renovation.
The new picture is of a Namibian sunset. There are no better sunsets than in Africa. The southern sky is one of my top things I miss about Africa. I never saw one
that magnificent, but close. We were there during winter, so there were 2 days total with clouds in the sky, and they weren't big.
So I was sitting there on my couch tonight during FHE, minding my own business, when someone called my name and said I had to be one of the girls that Bear Grylls, played by Jacob, would hit on in our FHE video. I refused, but somehow I found myself soon after sitting in one of ou

r kitchen chairs doing a dress rehearsal. Apparently, Tresa, Ashley and I were to be the three girls who Bear would win over with his gun. (Clearly, a boy wrote this script.) So Jac...Bear whips out his gun and then it's in Tresa's hand, and then I say, "hey, let me see it" and then I sit back empty handed and then Tresa leans over and then I'm crying out, "oooowwww!" and holding the right side of my chest. Jacob's gun was loaded and Tresa pulled the trigger on his very powerful air soft gun (?) 6 inches away from my chest. I now have a welt 2 inches below my right clavicle. It is slowly but surely turning blue as I type this. The best part? Jacob didn't tell us it was loaded, thus Tresa didn't think it was, and everyone in the room thought I had taken acting to a new level with my incredible reaction for the first 5 seconds. Then 28 eyes were watching me grope myself. "Grope for life," as they say.
Also, found a new band for you. They are called
Empire of the Sun. They are a seperate entity than the movie, which I highly recommend seeing immediately.
I miss Africa... sigh...
And save the two weirdos singing it, I think the song is nice.
Hahaha dude, I'm sorry about your boob or your clavicle or whatever it is. You could've gone down in history with the great Brandon Lee...but I'm glad you didn't, because I would miss you. Love you!
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