working up at sundance sure has it's perks.
first of all, let it be known there is a definite culture that exists when people gather together on a snow covered mountain and worship the art of skiing and snowboarding. certain types of people are attracted to these resorts. and these people are definitely my kind of people.
even though we get paid a few dollars here and there to teach kids, sometimes ornery, sometimes exemplary, we are still getting paid to ski. and when i go to work, i don't worry about which annoying employee i'll have to dodge that day, or what i'm going eat for lunch from the vending machines, or how i'm going to amuse myself amidst the same old drag of work. no, at sundance, i am faced with really cool people who are more like me than i every imagined, all you can eat lunches prepared by nationally reknown chefs for only $3, and different kids every day coming from all perspectives of life who expect me to teach them what it takes to have fun on skis. sometimes i'm successful, most of the time i'd say i'm not, but in either case, i am at least the most important person to them for 2 hours that day. this may sound weird, but ever since i can remember, all i wanted to be was an adult. and i really feel like one at sundance, given my resposibilities to teach kids.

and honestly, their food really is reknown. make a reservation ASAP. and guess what? i get 50% off, baby. yeah.
On a side note, Mgmt, my favorite band right now, is probably most popular by this song, Time to Pretend. If you've seen the movie 21, you may recognize it from the opening credits. It's partly about how we're fated to pretend because of our mundane cubicle jobs. which, by the way, does anyone else have an intense fear of living out a corporate life in a cubicle? did you see Office Space or Stranger than Fiction, or participate in any late 90s/early 00s media? (tell me, how do you shorten the 2000s, and more importantly, how do you say it?) a side-side note: i was in board of provo the other day and they were playing a recently filmed snowboard movie that featured Kids. And what kind of people have time to make mock-videos like that. i would like to have a chat with them and perhaps discuss how they make a living, how they keep their imaginations up to par, and if they could meet anyone in history, who it would be. Besides Jesus, right now i would choose Mary Shelley, just so i could ask her the details about her dream that she didn't put in the book. she was probably frankenstein's bride. and then i'd ask how it feels to be known for creating one of the most well known monsters in the English speaking world.
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