Friday, May 8, 2009

"Why must we go on hating" - Cat Stevens

Dear Parents (and other insensitive day walkers),
I'm going to say this once and for all: I like to sleep in.
Why is that so wrong? You look at me like I'm crazy, like I'm a lazy sad sack, like I'm wasting my life away. I argue that in fact my life is more productive, rich with experience, and full of inspiration. So my work day doesn't go from 8 to 5. I can get just as much done from 12 to 3. No one is looking at the night shift guy like he's crazy, so stop telling me I am. I'm thinking that since I've been this way for most of my life, it'll be ok. And don't give me that "just because you think you're born that way doesn't make it right" speech. Yeah well it's not wrong either. Staying up at night is calm, peaceful. It's mine to be uninterrupted by phone calls, bongo drumming from my next door neighbors, lawnmowers, car subs, and loud TVs coming from the ceiling. Just me, my brand new sony computer with excellent speakers, my 5 yr. old clamp light, and my itunes selection which is audible on that level you'd never hear past 10 AM. I love sleep. I sacrifice for those hours I get to be wrapped up in my Egyptian cotton, queen feather comforter and 4 down pillows. I like my system. I know you don't understand, still, but just realize that it works for me. Take your own advice and "don't judge."

Ps. I saw the midnight showing of Terminator: Salvation. (*Insert choir of heaven sound clip here).


Joseph said...

Martha, I love you :) Keep staying up late...I like speaking to you at 12 after you've just woken up and you have your cute sleepy voice haha. Wow wow wow, writing this comment makes me miss you :(

Joseph said...

Hahaha....this is Heather p.s. :) although I'm sure Joe loves and misses you too :)

Kels H.M. said...

Martha, I think you & I are soul mates.

I love the extreme quiet of the late night hours - you should really come visit me in Grace, I promise, you have never heard quiet (yeah, you can hear quiet) that is so absolute. :)

I also love Cat Stevens. *DESTINY*

Meg said...

Martha, I spent 4 years and 2 whole weeks in that Egyptian cotton, queen feather comforter and 4 down pillows and I totally understand. Sleep on my friend!