Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"Double the pleasure, double the fun" - Chris Brown

This whole Chris Brown/Rihanna scandal really has me upset. I'm not the biggest hiphop/r&b fan, but I like Chris Brown. He's an incredibe dancer, singer, and dang it. He had to screw it up by getting all physical. I'll tell you what though, I will still love this song. And this song. But from now on, I'll have that bell go off in my brain that reminds me the lyrics to these songs mean nothing to him. Kind of like every Elton John song - I just imagine him singing his love ballads to men, and immediately I can't stand listening. *Shudder. Why do I even care about that? I have no idea. But clearly there is some sort of connection between the lyrics and singer that matters to me. I know what you're thinking: "But Martha, what about all those pop singers who sing other people's songs?" My answer to that is, "Unless proven otherwise, I just imagine they're singing their own songs."

"See these guns? I kill you!"- Chris Brown

Now, for the avid Seinfeld watchers, I have to tell you I have been living in 2 episodes of late. The first one is where Jerry meets a girl who is exactly like him in every way, that at one point in the show he goes, "I've swept myself off my feet!" Hahaha, so good. I feel that way especially right now. However, I have a good feeling it won't end in disgust as it did in the show. The second one is where George thinks Seven is a good name for his future daughter, and after he told his married friends about his brilliant name for a girl, they steal it and name their own daughter Seven. George gets pissed off and cuts off their friendship. How this relates to me: my friend Jess from back home just named her daughter Genevieve, a name that I had previously told her I loved. And now that it's taken, I've got to come up with something else. Let me just say it right now, that if anyone takes Carmen I'm going to be a little upset. And I'm going to name my child that anyway. That's right, I just called Dibs. Don't mess with me.

Tonight I am finally going to watch Twilight, the movie. I am surprised at how nonchalant I have taken this movie by the way, because I was all about waiting till 2 AM to get my first copy of Breaking Dawn. You'd think the movie after reading the book would be double the pleasure, but...I guess I'm just a little worried I'm going to be disappointed, and if you know me at all, I'm all about having low expectations, always, and so waiting it out like this is perhaps my way of allowing sufficient time for my expectations to be lowered. For the most part, waiting it out usually works, just FYI.

I don't remember where I found this, but knowing my history with The Colonel, one must know how dear this image is to my heart.
"Da da da daaaa!"

And can I just say how happy I am to know what I'm doing this summer finally? The plan as it stands: stay here in Utah and get a job. Whew, glad that decision is over. Life is pretty easy when you have a secure goal. Goal for today: Always have a secure goal.

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