*The more educated you are, the more conformist you become. We know this from projective personality testing (i.e. Rorschach's, TAT, etc.)

*Based on the way the test is scored, if you ever take the Rorschach test, just know that the more you talk, the crazier you look. Keep this in mind when responding to what you think this ink blot looks like.
*Up to half the normal people who took the Rorschach were considered to have emotional problems. So don't be too shocked when I say that the Rorschach test is absolutely ridiculous.
*Apparently there is a character named Rorschach in the movie/comic The Watchmen. I now have a desire to watch the movie just so I can make dorky psychology connections from this character to what I know about this test. And to

*Horoscopes are based on The Barnum Effect = broad sweeping statements that almost everyone can apply to themselves.
*According to the American Heart Associations and other well reputable sources, gender plays a huge role in your risk for heart attacks and other heart diseases. This led to a very important question: what gendered risk category does a transvestite fall under?
*One of the slides read the following: "Higher prevalence in African Americans and whites." Does anyone else see the unparallelism happening in this sentence?
*On hormone replacement therapy: "Trials had to be stopped because suddenly participants were at a greater risk of dying." How many people had to die in order for the test trials to be stopped I wonder?
*Study: Male and female participants go into a doctor's office with identical symptoms. Males were treated more aggressively than women. Same study done with SES, race, and age. Results: older, poorer, non-whites, and women were treated less aggressively than anyone else.
*Hypertension heart rate cut-off: 140/90. The first thing my weight lifting coach said to me on Monday was, "Let's get moving! Get those heart rates to 140, come on!" Not knowing a whole lot about hypertension, this led me to believe I would thoroughly freak out if my SITTING heart rate was the same as if I was running a mile at 8:52 pace.
*Alex and I attended the magnificent Hindu party known as The Holi Festival, which happens every year at the end of March. This year's winning picture:

Aren't we just so cute in our easter egg colors?
*I saw Benjamin Button at the dollar theater this last weekend. Reminded me a lot of Forrest Gump, and I'm not sure if it's because Alex told me it reminded him of that before the movie started or because it genuinely reminded me of that movie, but I would give it 1 1/2 thumbs up. It's really long. I teared up at The End.