Saturday, May 21, 2011

"It's a new generation" - Jennifer Lopez

I get A's when I want to. Take last semester for example. This semester I chose to get B's. However on Monday I was informed I got a D- when I was sure to be careful to calculate a B. What the heck, right? I was so confused. I think I emailed my teacher 10 times that day trying to figure out where my D- came from, and she said it was from 2 unexcused absences. 10 percentage points per absence off my final grade. Um...definition of punitive. My teacher then told me in order to pass I had to write a 20 pg paper by May 31. HA! The program director was really mean and not helpful in the slightest, so on Thursday I camped out in front of the dean's office armed with my prof's syllabus only to talk to her an hour and a half later. I proceeded to show her how my prof's math and grading were bunk, and she agreed with me. An hour later my grade was an 86%.

Boo ya.

Thanks for the lesson in "advocating for the client."

PS. Happy rapture day