Friday, April 23, 2010

"Da da da DUUUUMMMM!" - Youtube chipmunk

What in the bloody hell is Earth Day and why do people care. I counted at least 10 different Facebook status updates that mentioned Earth Day, not to mention the handful of people I caught talking about it at work. I even heard a commercial about it on the radio. It's not like anyone cares about Cheesecake Day or Other Mother's Day, or Labor Day...why this obscure holiday? Pretentious? Or is it Portentous? No, wait...Panacea.


Not lame:


Joel Deehr said...

I think the Earth is kind of a big deal so it should get its own day. Its about taking care of the planet.

Andy said...

Earth is dumb.

Also dumb: Avatar, which totally tries and pretends to be about environmentalism but is really about hoarding money and pretending to be interesting. DVD release on Earth Day. Wouldn't it be greener to just...not buy movies?

martha said...

andy, i'm not sure how many times or ways i can tell you that you're amazing, but here i am again baffled by your genius.


*AnDIe* said...

totally watched this at work and started laughing out loud...