Thursday, July 9, 2009

"Put aside all my pride" - Marie Digby

I watched a boy from England sing "I'll Be" at the top of his lungs. It looked like he was out of breath the whole time during his slightly off tune solo, but his passion overwhelmed me.

I watched 4 girls sing PB&J a capella with perfect syncronized movements, dedicated to "Prince Charming," otherwise known as "Drew the Jew."

I watched the 4 manliest boys dressed in swimwear, complete with goggles and swimcaps, synchronize swim to Swan Lake. It was only 2 weeks later that I realized this particular skit was also a youtube phenomenon. At least in the Mormon chapter.

I watched a boy sing a song he wrote about breaking up while playing the guitar, and then dedicate it to his ex-girlfriend who was sitting in the audience. It wasn't angry - it was about getting back together. I actually teared up at the end. I saw that same boy dance every slow song that week.

I watched a girl play the ukulele while singing Stupid For You, which also moved me to tears. I liked her version better, and I've been inspired to learn the ukulele. 

I watched a quartet of boys sing Billy Idol's For the Longest Time, each one with perfect pitch.

I watched a boy tell the story of Dora the Explora' and the Dragon's Cave, with actions, accents, and faces to match. That kid has a gift. 

I watched a boy play the Blues on the piano and the harmonica. At the same time.

I watched another boy who called up a girl from the audience, told her to pick 4 notes on the piano, and created a song titled her name - right there on the spot.

I watched a boy who lost his father 2 years ago, play and dedicate the most amazing live drum solo I've ever seen to his dad and titled it, "The Best of Times." He was crying by the end. In front of 500 people. 


I listened to a girl talk about her back surgery, the infection that occurred because of it, and yelling, "Lord, just let me die," just before she passed out.

I listened to that same girl tell me how she knows for a fact there is an afterlife, with relatives ready to greet you.

I listened to another girl testify that in her darkest hours, as she was praying so intently, she swore an angel had to have been there in the room with her, as her spirit was lifted, her burden erased.

I listened to another girl tell me about her father giving her a priesthood blessing to calm her fear before she entered the surgery room, knowing she had a 7% chance of surviving. She knew at that moment the Atonement was real, and whatever happened with her life was in God's hands.

I listened to another girl tell me about her parent's divorce, how it ripped her family apart, how after praying for a year every night that her parents would get back together, last week they told her they were going to be sealed together again in the house of the Lord.

I listened to a boy say he's hated God his whole life until this week, that he now regrets blaming God for his trials, that now he was in fact grateful for them, and that he can't wait to serve a mission.

I listened to a girl tell me how all she wanted was her brother to know that she loved him, that God loved him, and when he bore his testimony on family and wanting to be like his big sister, I saw them embrace each other for 5 minutes crying on each others' shoulders.

I listened to a girl tell me she has been in and out of jail the last couple months and that it was through prayer that she felt the Spirit for the first time in years, and after that solemn moment in her cell, she wanted to start reading her scriptures again. And I was there to witness that she did.


It's hard to put into words all of the vignettes I've been able to witness these last 3 weeks. It's hard to explain how my heart has been softened, how I've been humbled to my knees, how I've come to a fuller knowledge that Heavenly Father knows exactly who I am and what I need, and you are and what you need. I didn't get to serve a mission for my church officially, but I have had the chance to at least see a handful of youth rededicate their lives to follow Christ. I have been struck with nothing short of awe at how sweet the fruit of missionary work is. If I never have another missionary experience again, I am comforted in knowing I made some sort of difference in a few lives over the last 3 weeks. The Lord has surely blessed me in ways I never would have known to ask for. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ.

--For Meghan.


Kels H.M. said...

This is amazing. YOU are amazing. I want to go on this EFY adventure with you next summer. For reals.

& "For the Longest Time" is one of my most favorite songs. :) Go boys.

kathy w. said...

so lovely.