Friday, December 3, 2010

"'Cause this is Halloween" - Song I learned in Kindergarten

*This was suppose to be my Halloween post. Oops. Better late than never they say. We'll see.

By the way, what happened to songs about Halloween? Why are they only sung in Kindergarten?

I'm tutoring a 4th grader obsessed with Transformers. He has some problems staying focused, organizing, etc., so we're creating a Transformers comic book together to teach him organization, directions, finishing a project, etc. He's really smart and a self-proclaimed nerd. So, naturally, I asked him what I should be for Halloween.

He said Alice in Wonderland wasn't good enough. I should be dead Alice in Wonderland who died by falling asleep and catching on fire and burning to death. So I should wear a dress with holes in it and stuff.

This kid is a genius.

1 comment:

Meg said...

Martha, he sounds like your little child soulmate. You couldn't be just Willy Wonka, you had to be a dead Willy Wonka with gashes and blood all over your face. Classic.