Thursday, February 21, 2008

"If only they knew..." - God

OMG! so i totally created a new game today while i was walking on campus between classes. i somehow have created this habit of catching snipits of conversations as i'm walking, and so my new game is to come up with the funniest quote of the day. here are the few that i heard today, and perhaps you could tell me which you think is the best. the funny part is that there is no context to any of these quotes, but i'll mention what i can about them.
I'm going to start calling it my LOL moment of the day:

“Um, I guess what happens now is up to you, but I hope we can still be friends. Ok bye.”
-girl on cell phone just leaving a message. ouch.

“I could really care less about all the people who are burning in hell.”
-girl talking with her friend on the sidewalk. again: ouch.

“How are you?” “Good, how are you?” “Good, how are your classes going?” “Good, what’s life like being married?” Good…etc.”
-obvious awkward conversation between unmarried girl and married boy. i wonder if they dated before...?

“No mommy please, mommy don’t…sorry, I’m just stressed right now.”
-no idea who said this. i was looking down at the time and it was one of those unisex voices, but i thought that "mommy" wasn't kosher after age 10? 11? whatever.

“That 16 yr. old! He’s so cute, and so smiley, and so funny, and oh…so good.”
-this was an older girl, i'd guess age 24. can we say robbing the craddle?
For the record, those are more or less direct quotes. i actually had a notebook and pen and was writing while i was walking. hahaha, oh good times.

Doesn't this just make a good point about how most of the time, we have no room to judge others because we don't know what's going on?? I can't even tell you how many times people will take something they are told out of context, or apply what little information they have and blow it out of proportion. I really hate it when that happens, to myself, or to my friends. Ugh! I think the very best movie that portrayed this very concept was Crash. Talk about an excellent movie, and one that demonstrates miscommunication like no other. I honestly believe our lives have more miscommunication than we think, and probably most of it is more or less harmless, but man. I bet God is sitting up there so frustrated sometimes! "If only they knew..." -God.

Thank goodness for Swedish pop princesses such as (pictured) Robyn! Do you not love that daring hair cut? I wish i had the guts sometimes. She's got some fun stuff, I highly recommend checking her out, even though i generally do not recommend pop music. I really think pop/dance music can get a bad rep sometimes. I've decided to friend this group who creates dance mixes every sunday with different types of music. They put mixes up as zip files, so, what up. The other day, they hit their 100th sunday mark, and honestly, i think from all the comments, they have to be one of the most copied blogs ever.


matt lohrke said...

hey, that picture of robyn looks familiar... hmmm, where have i seen it before??? :)

i agree, she is fantastiriffic!

Kels H.M. said...

GAH! Rihanna is NOT creative - she just weezed this Swedish chick's look.